Lenz + Evelyn // Wedding by Lawrence


Celebrating Lenz + Evelyn

Their wedding might be over for more than a year, their gowns and suits stowed away, this loving couple’s wedding remains in my memories but in a fuzzy manner, like a fog shrouded over the memories. I might not remember all of it, like the delicate details or the groomsmen’s faces, but as I was preparing Lenz and Evelyn’s wedding pictures for the blog, the memories become crystal clear again. It is such an amazing thing, isn’t it. Memories fade away with time and if not for the pictures, we can get to relive those special moments.

In another four months time, Lenz and Evelyn will be celebrating their second wedding anniversary. Isn’t that great? Sharing the same love of flying around the world, this is probably just one of the many passions that they like to do together. Not many couples have this privilege and I’m pretty sure Lenz and Evelyn treasure such fortune close to their hearts. With these frames, I hope they are something you can look back and reminisce as you continue to walk the journey of life hand in hand together, and remember how much you love one another.


Wedding photography by UnderTheStars


wedding photography